
space driving school car

Welcome to space driving school.

Please read on and get in touch.

I offer both manual and auto (coming soon) 1and 2 hour lessons

Learners and the DVSA
If you are a learner or about to be obtaining a provisional licence, you are hoping in time to be granted a full UK driving licence by the DVSA
The Driver and Vehicular Standards Agency. They require you to demonstrate a good understanding of the Highway Code rules and guidance on your test day. They also require you to demonstrate you have a good level of self confidence, ownership of your own decisions and responsibility to yourself and other road users. All of the above in an hours test, forty minutes of driving.

What is the criteria the DVSA set?
Who decides whether you are demonstrating your adherence to the DVSA criteria?
Most importantly does the criteria make you better able to cope independently, with skills a modern driver needs on modern ever changing road systems and guidance.
This is where an ADI like myself can help, guide, support and ultimately see you through to obtaining that elusive full uk driving licence. I say elusive because over half of test takers do not pass on the day they take their test. We work in partnership with the view to developing through discussion, information acquisition and practical application in lesson time. You develop at your own Pace with time and Space to avoid over progressing which could lead to demotivation, as it’s important to acknowledge your own development of your skills. A good steady approach mostly works best. The modern learning approach is actually more fun than the conventional approach to learning to drive. You will actively work out your next moves, with support and guidance which can build your own sense of ownership, self confidence and responsibility toward yourself and other road users.
Booking in When you are ready and want more details with a commitment to the process, I will help you gain your full Uk driving licence. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch

Sara, Space Driving School

driving school car